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Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Jan. 2 2019

Five years since my last post. It isn't that I haven't had anything to post about, I just haven't expressed what I have learned in this platform. 

This year, I am already involved in two different studies with two different groups and both start in Genesis; one the events from creation through the Tower of Babel, and the other a study of Eve. I have learned so many new things by looking at this scripture again. The chapters at the beginning of Genesis have been read many, many times and are quoted at weddings, worship services, Bible classes, etc. So to go back and look and examine and apply them, is absolutely surprising and refreshing!!

One insight that I must talk about is in chapter 2 verses 21 - 25. There we are told about how Adam had named all the animals and had not found a helper suitable to him. So why a woman? There are so many reasons that this makes perfect sense, not just the obvious physically intimate reasons but emotional, spiritual and social as well. In the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus the differences are outlined pretty clearly and the one is not complete or whole without the attributes of the other. For this reason among many others is why a world where homosexual lifestyles are accepted will fail. There is a balance with men and women and when a home, a community, a society disrupts that balance, chaos will surely come. 

Another thing I had never thought about is what God does after the fall. In Genesis 3: 1-13, we read about when Satan came and tempted Eve with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She ate and then offered it to Adam. When God comes to walk with them that evening, and gets to the bottom of the matter, He passes consequences and then, then he demonstrates His unconditional love for them by covering them. His first act after cursing the serpent and decreeing pain in child bearing, and creating a need to cultivating the Earth, declaring death to them, right before forcing them from the garden is to make garments for them from skins and clothe them. He saw to their needs. He wanted to continue His relationship with them and knew that they were now uncomfortable in their naked state. So he covered them. He was still with them. In the beginning of the very next chapter, as Eve begins the process of having their family by bearing Cain and Able, she credits him for being with her during the process. So the relationship continued in spite of the sin. He wants the same for us. When we come before him with a penitent heart and accept the punishment and consequences, He still desires a relationship with us and will take care of us by meeting our needs in order for our relationship to continue. 

Also, when Satan comes to Eve, we are not told if he approached her over time or only this once. I believe he only approached her this once. When he did he knew her well enough to know what sense he needed to appeal to to cause her to fall. When she considered the fruit she thinks it is good for food, a delight to the eye, and desirable to make one wise. She rationalized the act before committing the sin. We do the same! We have good reasons for the things we say, think and do. "It is just the way I am" we think to justify a negative or discouraging word or attitude. "The problem isn't with me, but with the other person." we think during a time of conflict in a relationship. "It won't matter to anyone," we think as we agree to go somewhere we know better than to be, or do something we know better than to do. No matter our reason rationalizing the act doesn't make it any more right. It won't change the consequences or the effects our actions have on those who look to us as an example, whether they are a Christian or not. 

Finally the word used as Abel's name is the same as the word used by Solomon when he wrote Ecclesiastes. It means " breath", "temporary", or "meaningless". While in both instances it is used to describe something that does not last either upon this earth or into eternity. Abel's life did have some meaning, as we still learn from how he pleased God with his sacrifices even today. Where as Solomon was describing what he found everywhere he looked for purpose or completion to his life. 

It is always good to begin the new year with new habits including a more diligent study of God's word. It is also always good to reread passages we are already familiar with to gain now insights and to apply what we learn. 

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