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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Beginning

This is the beginning of a work in progress. I have learned so much from the blogs of others that I wanted to try my hand at contributing. 

This blog is a four part blog. "Heart" will have entries which pertain to faith. I am a member of the Fountain Head Church of Christ and believe whole-heartily in the importance of continually strengthening my personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. "Health" is the blog page where I intend on motivating others in their journeys to have healthier bodies. Within the last year and a half I have lost a total of 40 - 50 pounds. I suffer with severe allergies and asthma and was told by my ENT that I needed to lose the weight or I could possibly end up on oxygen at a fairly young age. I have since taken up running and made many changes in my diet which I would love to share and will use this page to do so. "Home" is the page I plan on using to show off our amazing family. My husband and I have 3 fabulous daughters and I wanted a place to show case their talents and adventures and so this is it. "Mind" is the page I hope to use to give back to the teaching community. I have gleaned so many fabulous ideas from other teachers through their blogs and posts on pinterest. Great teachers are always looking for more effective ways to reach their students. Through this page I hope to contribute to the plethora of wonderful teaching ideas already flooding the web. 

If you choose to follow, wonderful. Drop a post and let me know. Share: more of what you would like to see, less of what you would like to see, ideas, suggestions, questions etc.